Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

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  • Hong Kong
  • 2024-10-04 11:35 to 2024-10-06 11:35

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  • PER PERSON HKD ( Early bird ends in 5 days) 10 remaining
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Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

2024-10-04 11:35 to 2024-10-06 11:35
October 27, 2024


Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

2024-10-04 11:35 to 2024-10-06 11:35
October 27, 2024


We are excited to announce our next retreat “Ayurveda” taking place in the beautiful island and secret hideout in Hong Kong.

This land and its energy are indescribable, and I want to share this with each of you. 

The goal of this retreat is to gain “Ayurveda” yogic knowledge, aligning you on the wellness path of cultivating the Self health. No one’s journey is the same but through Ayuverveda knowledge you will be able to access a healthier and better self and make better decisions in your life. When this knowledge becomes your wisdom, you will no longer have to suffer and learn the same lessons repeatedly.

The elements I want to bring to this retreat are the Sun, Sea, Breath, and Sound. The Sun is always warm and giving, the Sea is healing, the Breath is our life force, and the Sound is the wisdom within.

As you know, Yoga is a lifestyle to me, and I’m excited to create a space where we can learn to embody its true teachings in every moment. So, in this retreat, we will deepen our understanding of yoga knowledge, practice asana, meditate, journey deeper into ourselves with breathwork, heal, have fun, and build deep bonds with one another. 

As we want to keep our group small, we only have a limited number of spots available. Reach out to me or  you can book directly on bmnyc.co

See you in Hong Kong!


Anupama Layla is a passionate yoga teacher with 12 years of practice and 9 years of teaching experience. Throughout her yoga journey, she trained under renowned instructors Andrew Lappa and Will Lau, focusing on Universal Yoga. However, after years of teaching, Anupama realized that high-intensity yoga is not suitable for everyone. This insight led her to explore the wisdom of Ayurveda, where she continues her studies under Dr. Indika from India.

Anupama firmly believes that diet, practice, and lifestyle should be tailored to each individual’s constitution to achieve true harmony of body, mind, and spirit. Her teaching philosophy emphasizes personalization and care, helping students discover their own suitable practices so that everyone can benefit from their yoga journey.

Anupama Layla 是一位充滿熱情的瑜珈老師,擁有 12 年的練習和 9 年的教學經驗。在她的瑜伽之旅中,她在著名上師Andrew Lappa 和 Will Lau 的指導下接受訓練,專注於寰宇瑜伽。然而,總結經過多年的教學,Anupama 意識到高強度瑜珈並不適合所有人。這種洞察力促使她探索阿育吠陀的智慧,並在來自印度的 Dr Indika的指導下繼續學習。

Anupama 堅信飲食、練習和生活方式應根據每個人的體質量身定制,以實現身體、思想和精神的真正和諧。她的教學理念強調個人化和關懷,幫助學生發現適合自己的練習方式,讓每個人都能從瑜珈之旅中受益。

Universal Yoga RYT200

International Wheel yoga instructor

International Yoga Alliance RYT200

Monochord therapist Level 2

Chakra chimes sound therapist

Ayuveda Yoga, Herbs, Treatment & Diet


Self Realisation- Yogic knowledge about the self. Truly understanding yourself will help you end your sufferings of committing the same mistake over and over again and function at a higher consciousness and vibrate at a higher level.

Ayuverda Yogic knowledge about the self. Truly understanding wellness and the life of a yogi yourself. It will help you prevent sickness and become healthier and better for you and your family.

.Analyze personal constitution + balance the five elements theory + Ayurveda daily health advice + make personal constitution spice tea
Sensory Care Routine
Herb ball massage bag DIY
Pranayama Yoga


Sound Healing Layered Monochord Sound Healing. Her healing method is a sonic massage with the monochord sound healing table. As the monochord is being played, the vibration goes directly and deep into your body.  Each cell starts to resonate with the healing harmonics of the monochord, helping the cells to come back into holistic resonance and optimum functioning as far as nature allows.  It is like having a sonic massage.  You are being bathed from head to toe in healing resonance.

You should feel nurtured, loved, supported, and most of all blissed out. You feel a difference if you have physical injury and on a spiritual level, you will feel lighter and more positive. The monochord is an ancient instrument invented by Pythagoras ( A Greek Philosopher). He realized through exploring music ratios and harmonics that certain intervals in music had a profound and healing effect not just on humans, but certain ratios also governed the movement of planets.

Benefits of monochord sound healing sessions, Release deep-rooted stress. Strengthen your glandular and nervous system. Strengthens your immunity, Brings your body, mind, and emotions into balance, Feel healthier, happier, and whole. Achieving Harmony.

Ahimsa Meditation – A practice of non violence to the self and forgiveness to end the suffering and move forward in life. To finally allow yourself to become the person you are meant to be and rid your blockages.

Purification – At this moment the only thing that is holding us back from allowing us to become or meant to become the person we are meant to be are our blockages within. We will focus on removing each blockage at a time to clear all the unnecessary issues and thoughts within us.

Pranayama an anicent practice of the breath profoundly reliefing stress. By managing your breath you will be a ble to manage the calming of the mind, restoring balance, and unlocking a state of deep relaxation.

Yoga Nidra – Experience and learn about the benefits of alpha state where  Serotonin is released, which helps you to reach a transformational experience of inner calm. From this place fluctuations in the mind start to decrease and you begin to feel more at ease. The body moves into stillness and a deep feeling of tranquillity and relaxation occurs


Innerpeace, the only thing we’ve ever really wanted is to be in union in our mind. Through experiencing inner peace we are better and more peaceful therefore emanating the same vibes to others.

Self-realization, To truly spend time learning and understanding the self. You’ll realize all the answers have always been within you but have you learned how to access the wisdom from within?  As humans we are filled with knowledge but how much of it are we using?  In this practice, we are going back to the basics of understanding oneself.

Healthier in mind, body, and soul- A wholesome wellness experience as we become healthier in not just our bodies but our minds and souls.  It’s time to relieve yourself of the baggies you are no longer serving you, it’s time to move your mind into a healthier state.  Understand the cultivation of the soul takes time but by cultivating more love and compassion, one will learn that it is the most important thing in humanity to be a better soul not just for you but for those you love around you.

Retreat Dates & Details:

A maximum 8 people (space is very limited)

* Accommodations (includes Wifi) 

* BetterME NYC 20 hours certification of Ayurveda Self-Realisation Knowledge (Will include handbook + homework to complete this course).

***Air travel, Surfboards, Travel, Insurance, Food & Airport Transport are not included***

Schedule ( May have minor changes according to weather and other unforeseen disturbances)

For any info regarding travel restriction and Visa application please check