Here’s a few pointers we would like to share why working with us is better and safer.

Organise your career and make you life easier, remove the pain of chasing for payments, sign ups and scheduling with our website.

Always let people know where you are when you’re teaching privates and in new places. Apple Iphone has a shared location function which will help other locate you should you be in trouble, also its a great way to find your phone. Authorities don’t always help locate a missing person and the first 72 hours is the most important to locating a missing person. Kidnappers are often not strangers!

Our website will help reduce the risk of meeting dangerous people as they face us. Unfortunately, victims of violence are often woman and always think twice if something is too good to be true!

Our website charges 2% only of the amount to offer all these services. Having a community behind you is all the difference to staying safe and also expanding your business.


  1. sign in (person icon).
  2. email us and attach a profile pic and a description in English and any other languages (, the onboarding team will help you through this process.
  3. once your profile is set up you can start setting up classes and teaching!


1. 登錄 (大頭貼)

2. 把英語個人簡歷(或是其他語言)跟大頭貼傳到我們的電郵地址, 我們的團隊就會幫你打造出你專屬的頁面

3. 你可以隨時在個人頁面設定自己的課堂


1. 登录(个人头像)

2. 把英语个人简历(或是其他语言)跟大头贴传到我们的电邮地址, 我们的团队就会帮你打造出你专属的页面

3. 你可以随时在个人页面设定自己的课堂


  1. Sign in (person icon).
  2. Discover classes and purchase tickets.
  3. We will find you a teacher that’s right for ya!


1. 登錄(大頭貼)

2. 探索有趣的課堂然後選購門票

3. 讓我們來幫你找尋最合適的老師老師: 如何設定與更改自己的課堂設定/更改課堂 ->遞交 -> 按下「發起人」下的三點按鈕設定課堂設定課堂 ->添加課程簡介 ->排程


1. 登录(个人头像)

2. 探索有趣的课堂然后选购门票

3. 让我们来帮你找寻最合适的老师老师: 如何设定与更改自己的课堂设定/更改课堂 ->递交 -> 按下「发起人」下的三点按钮设定课堂设定课堂 ->添加课程简介 ->排程

Teachers set up and editing class

Go to set up/edit class -> submission -> 3 dots button below the “organizer”)

Set up class

go to set up class -> add in details -> Add event


  • always tell or leave an emergency contact on our website or to a friend.
  • if it’s a private class, we can help with finding a location that you are comfortable with.
  • if you don’t know the teacher or the student, you can always ask for a referral from us to check.

BetterMe 小提示

• 請把緊急連絡方法告訴你的朋友或是登記在專屬你的BetterMe頁面

• 我們團隊可以為你的個人課堂找尋舒適的地點

• 擔心跟第一次見面的老師或是學生上課? 放心, 你可以隨時諮詢我們拿取相關的轉介!

Product Event Event date 日期

Price 價錢Quality 數量

Subtotal 小計

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Checkout 結帳

Billing details 付款明細

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