Dharma Meditation (Private Class)

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  • ZOOM
  • October 24, 2024
  • Thursday, 5PM to 6PM

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Dharma Meditation (Private Class)


Thursday, 5PM to 6PM
October 24, 2024


Dharma Meditation (Private Class)


Thursday, 5PM to 6PM
October 24, 2024

Meditation is not an activity it’s a state. A state of union within the mind. When your mind is in union (quiet) you will be able to access the wisdom within you. In yoga, we have a saying, “All is within,” The reason is that all the answers are within you but because of our overly active mind activity ( especially from how social media has conditioned our brain to seek short-term dopamine highs) it has overloaded our mind and often lead to suffering as we constantly compare ourselves and makeup stories which hurt ourselves. The Dharma Meditation is a practice to relieve the overly active mind and seek union so that we can stop suffering in our mind, stop overly thinking, and restart again. Similar to a smartphone, the cache must be cleared from time to time to ensure it is performing at optimal levels. 
In Dharma Meditation we practice visualization, manifestation, and forgiveness.  Even when we believe that meditation is to clear the mind, it becomes an attachment if you are stepping into a meditation trying to control your thoughts. The idea here is to let go and stop controlling the mind, rather through constant practice we achieve a state of Sahmandhi (blissfulness) through clarity and lowering brain activities.  The state of Sahmandhi will happen but like everything in life, there is no quick fix, no hacking, but there is a practice. Showing up is 99% of it and all it takes is to love yourslef by giving 1.5 hours a day away from your phone and everyone else so that you can gain closure on whatever that’s been bothering you. Your mental health is the most precious asset which you have to protect and if all we do is give away our time to people and situations that make you suffer than it will only regress your rmental health, therefore it’s time to spare yourself  a small bit of time to create space for yourself, to regain your mind, your time and your innerpeace.