- New Liforme Yoga Mats 2026-01-20 13:45 Tuesday, 1PM to 2PM
- Inside Flow Workshop with Winnie Special venue 2026-01-20 19:30 Tuesday, 7PM to 8PM
- OJAS Organic Beauty 2026-01-21 18:00 All day
- OJAS Organic Beauty 2026-01-23 18:00 All day
- New Liforme Yoga Mats 2026-01-24 13:45 Saturday, 1PM to 2PM
- Restorative Yin Yoga & Tibetan Sound Bath Lohas Mall Circle K 2026-01-24 17:00 Saturday, 5PM to 7PM
- Yoga for Mama (all-levels, beginners friendly) Lohas Mall Circle K 2026-01-25 10:00 Sunday, 10AM to 11AM
- LIFE CAREER MANGEMENT Zoom 2026-01-25 11:00 Sunday, 11AM to 1PM
- OJAS Organic Beauty 2026-01-25 18:00 All day
- Self Realisation Masterclass online January 26, 2026 to January 26, 2026 1:56 PM to 1:57 PM